Klaus Schwab sings "Be Happy" - Parody

"We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supra-national soveriegnty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the auto-determination practiced in past centuries."

David Rockefeller
Council on Foreign Relations
June 1991

"The drive of the Rockefellers and their allies is to create a one-world government combining supercapitalism and Communism under the same tent, all under their control. Do I mean a conspiracy? Yes, I do. I am convinced there is such a plot, international in scope, generations old in planning, incredibly evil in intent."

Larry P. McDonald
US Congressman
Died on Korean Flight 007 - 1983

"The so-called "pandemic" was a beta test - conducted by unelected globalists - to see how easy it would be to seize totalitarian control, under the pretext of a global "emergency." The goal, ultimately, is to transform our free and democratic societies into totalitarian societies. Their goal is to strip each and every one of us of our fundamental rights, of freedom, democracy, the rule of law. They want to get rid of all of this."

Christine Anderson
German Member of EU Parliament


When state chartered financial institutions are allowed to issue fraudulent account statements it is a threat to all of society.

I will pay $25,000 to the first person (or any person) who can show I am wrong about receiving a fraudulent account statement. That offer is extended to all members of the the Florida House, the US Congress, and everyone else.

Of concern is a a bank managed financial account (credit shelter trust) established by our father's will upon his accidental death in 1974.

Ben Martin Sr.
WWII / Korean War Veteran
Died 1974 after receiving fraululent altimeter reading from FAA control tower.
Ensuing court action set legal precedent.

Martin v. United States, 448 F. Supp. 855 (E.D. Ark. 1977)

The fact that Wells Fargo is set to be the Executor for our mother's estate illustrates her extreme vulnerability. The RBC/Wells Fargo financial adviser (Mike Neff) who is connected to the RBC Fraudulent Statements is the new "Relationship Manager" at Wells Fargo. Mr. Neff was the RBC adviser who convinced our mother to move the account to Wells Fargo once the fraud at RBC was discovered. Mr. Neff then became employed by Wells Fargo. I was subsequently notified by Wells Fargo that I should not expect Mr. Neff to answer any questions about the RBC statements. Our mother has placed her complete and total trust in Mr. Neff and her attorney Tim Flanagan of PFHG Law.

The apparent failure of Tim Flanagan to properly inform our mother about the fraud has compromised family relationships and leaves us wondering if Mr. Flanagan is an accomplice/accessory to white collar crime. If our mother was properly informed and of sound mind would she do any further business with RBC/Wells Fargo Executive Mike Neff ????? She is over 90 years old and does not want to accept the truth from her children. Doing so would shatter her illusions. Reportedly Tim Flanagan assisted with the transfer to Wells Fargo.

It was a tremendous disappointment that Tim Flanagan claimed attorney-client privilege when it came to discussing previous illegal activity with the remainder beneficiaries. Mr. Flanagan is known to work in tandem with financial advisors. Our mother failed to grasp that another advisor, Michael McCranie, had "earned" a $280,000 commission illegally. In a written document Michael McCranie stated that Tim Flanagan was in agreement with his investment strategy. It took a tremendous amount of time and effort on the part of her children for our mom to understand that those commissioned based variable annuity products increased the fees several times over. She was being misled about the total fee picture. Considering the illegal activity you would think Mr. Flanagan would do everything possible to make sure that our mother was fully informed and that her children and everyone else knew she had been properly informed. Why didn't Mr. Flanagan call the authorities? It seems Mr. Flanagan is a "bank recommended" attorney who has used his influence to enrich banks and financial executives. At the same time he is an attorney who has advertised his services relating to undue influence expertise. It is ironic.

Michael McCranie claims attorney Tim Flanagan was in agreement - see page 2.

Attorney Tim Flanagan claims attorney client privilege - yet elderly client remained critically uninformed.

Estate planning documents prepared by Tim Flanagan for the grandchildren give tremendous fee and profit opportunity to the "bank." It seems the proceeds from those accounts are prevented from being used to purchase a home or other real property investments. Apparently the bank more or lass has complete discretion over what is disbursed seemingly forever. Much is enigmatic. Yet the parts of those documents that give advantage to the bank are clear enough. It is as if Mr. Flanagan had some special relationship with RBC and he uses confusion as a tool. Mike Neff met with Mr. Flanagan and our mother to "assist" with the preparation of those documents. Conflicts of Interest were authorized. Statements were made difficult to obtain.

Our mother has been observed signing extremely important documenation without reading it. She was unaware that conflicts of interest were authorized in documents prepared by attorney Tim Flanagan - and she was very much against conflicts of interest. She thinks it is odd that it will be more difficult than usual for her grandchildren to obtain annual statements. It is as if she didn't know anything about it.

At a 2010 arbitration involving this account, after being told there were stipulated damages for any breach of confidentiality, she readily signed a settlement offer without reviewing it. She then attempted to bribe the remaidner beneficiaries into signing that same settlement offer. The confidentiality appealed to her. She didn't want anyone talking about her mistake.


The Summary Page of the Annual Statement states an income of $336,963.14, which corresponds to a return of 4.7%. But that number (336,963.14) is more than twice the amount obtained by adding up the income receipts. It is also more than twice the amount that was paid to the income beneficiary who is required to take all income. The annual income as determined by adding up income receipts is not stated anywhere in the statement. For the amount of principal reported ($7.2M) $336,963.14 is a reasonable number for annual income. Is it possible not all income was listed in the body of the statement? Something is terribly amiss.

Email correspondence from RBC trust officer Ann Balback, who worked under the direction of Thomas S. Davidson, later identified the annual income to be $143,453.37. Add up the income receipts (pages 17-40) and you will get a figure close to $150K. But either way, there is no plausible explanation for the number $336,963.14 stated as income on the Summary Page. It is hard to imagine that Ann Balback did not recognize the 2014 Annual Statement as being false. In a better world Trust Officers who present falsified account statements would be jailed along with the upper management personnel who are responsible.

RBC Trust Officer Ann Balback states 2014 Annual Income is $143,453.37

Sum of Income Receipts Pages 17 - 40 shows Annual Income was $150,143.10

The 6 numbers added together to obtain a false Market Value of $7,248,392.09 can be found in pages 5-10 of the annual statement. Page 3 is the Summary Page.

Fraud Snapshot - Market Value Summation Uses Bogus Number - 6 Numbers added together.

2014 RBC Annual Statement

For online viewing the annual statement can be rotated counterclockwise using Adobe controls. (If you have any trouble viewing any of the linked files try using Chrome or IE as your browser. My contact info is at the bottom of the page if you have trouble accessing any file.)

It is a "simple" trust. All income must be paid out each quarter to our mom. On December 31 of each year the Market Value of the account will be the account principal plus the 4th quarter income that is yet to be distributed. Including Total Annual Income as part of the Market Value is fraudulent. The number presented as Annual Income ($336,963.14) is fraudulent itself.

RBC stated the end of year principal to be $7,204,709.04. That is impossible. A CPA prepared compliation report later specified a lower principal value of $6,914,483 but gave no guarantee of accuracy.

RBC Email states Principal to be $7,204,709.04

RBC/Wells Fargo Executive Mike Neff states nothing is false and the accounting is accurate.

Email from Mike Neff stating accounting is accurate


There is a cash deduction of $329,525.23 shown on page 7. There is no description of where that money went or how it was used. The explanation offered by RBC is that it represents transfers "within" the account. But if that is the case why is $329,525.23 deducted from the value of the account????? The account had essentially no gain in value during an incredible inflationary boom corresponding to the time it was managed by RBC (2009 to 2016 approximately.) An annual income of $143K is conspicuously low. All the beneficiary disbursements orginated from a "Portfolio" labled as "Principal." RBC stated the Market Value was $7.2M but a CPA complitation report put it at $6.9M. And then there is the consideration that no RBC personnel, past or present, have acknowledged any errors in the statement. It is as if they don't want to talk about it.

RBC claims cash deduction of $329,525.23 from Account Value represents internal transfers between portfolios. Huh?

Flowchart of Principal and Income shows perplexing transfers and illegal deductions from principal.


Gunster Law is a firm that does white collar criminal defense for Wells Fargo and other Federal Reserve Member Banks. After the account arrived at Wells Fargo Gunster attorney John P. Cole started billing the account for services that appear to be completely contrived. Apparently Wells Fargo encourages this because Gunster Law is a big campaign contributor to politicians involved in the regulation of the financial services industry. They donate to both Democrats and Republicans.

In 2007 former LPL advisor Michael McCranie gained influence over our mother and persuaded her to move the account to LPL. Mr. McCranie did this in secret. No notice of change in trustee was given to the remainder beneficiaries as required by Florida Law. Mr. McCranie then engaged in illegal conflicts of interest by buying $4 Million of commission based products from himself. Deception, misrepresentation, lack of disclosure and a vulnerable senior citizen were involved. Mr. McCranie is understood to currently work for an Ameriprise Financial Servcies office (Florida Wealth Planning Group) located in Palm Coast Florida. Apparently the "incident" recorded on Mr. McCranie's FINRA record was recently expunged. There was an arbitration. LPL made a settlement offer that prevented our senior citizen mother from discussing the incident.

In 2017 Mr Cole billed the account for services related to a "situs" change. Supposedly Mr. Cole took steps to change the "situs" from Ohio to Florida, but the situs was never moved to Ohio from Florida in the first place. Was Mr. Cole skimming? It seems clear that he was.

According to what is understood...... The trust agreement allows the trustee to change the situs but is silent on the process. Florida Statute 737.305 would have governed any situs change procedure. The situs was supposedly changed to Ohio on 03/06/2007 according to a document of questionable origin, provided by Gunster. Yet, in order to change situs, Statute 737.305 requires the action of a court where the views of the adult beneficiaries are given weight. Nothing like that happened. The remainder beneficiaries would have certainly objected to a proposed situs change.

Document provided by Gunster - See Page 2

To justify the charges for the supposed situs change procedure, Mr. Cole sent correspondence stating that under Trust Agreement Section 3.13 the trustee is allowed to change the situs without court approval. Thus, according to Mr. Cole state law did not apply when the situs was supposedly moved from Florida to Ohio. Yet in the next paragraph of that letter Mr. Cole references Ohio law for situs change procedure when the situs was supposedly moved back to Florida. Why would state law apply in one case and not the other? It is very odd. The letter is linked below.

Letter from Mr. Cole referencing state law in one case and not the other.

What Gunster attorney John P. Cole probably did not know is that RBC, the successor to LPL, reassured us the situs was Florida in 2008 via email. (Note: RBC bought JB Hanauer in 2007) The irony is petty shoplifters often go to jail. But what about a bank connected attorney who skims an account at the rate of $385/hr for several hours?

RBC 2008 email stating situs is Florida.

Trust Agreement - Ben Martin Irrevocable Trust

NOTE: Our mother died August 31, 2024. We are in the process of examining a "Restated" Trust Agreement for her estate which is separate from the Ben Martin Trust. Our mother's Will and Trust Agreement are linked at bottom of page.

"Power to Invest" (Article VIII B) is one of many concerns. Our mother was against conflicts of interest and did not know conflicts of interest were authorized in documents created for her grandchildren. Yet that clause gives the trustee the power to invest without regard to any staute or rule of law. Perhaps Mr. Flanagan has contacts that want to make a fat commission. Our mother never would have agreed to such a condition if she had been cognizant of it. Discretionary provsions that go on forever are another concern. It seems bank recommended attorney Tim Flanagan is very good friends with the bank. We seek to contest her will and/or make a demand on her estate. She was under undue influence and fraud was involved. We want to keep her assets "free from trust."

When it comes to removing the trustee there is no provision for the one grandchild with a separate share (Article IX C.) It is a serious oversight. All of my mother's descendants were dear to her, but the one grandchild with a separate share was the dearest of them all. Our mother did not review anything. She depended completely on the professionals that surrounded her. The fact that she was on a cascade of medicaitons for the last 20 years didn't help things either.

ChatGPT was used to analyze the restated trust agreement. It confirms what us human observers have already observed. Multiple interpretations are possible and certain fundamentals are not explicitly stated. Confusion in trust documents serves Big Bank trustee subsidiaries. This is especially true when the attorney who produced the document refuses to answer any questions about what is stated. It seems that the confusion is deliberate and intentional. It undermines confidence in banking and the legal profession. Details concerning money should not be fuzzy.

Only a vulnerable adult would take no action against fraud and indications of embezzlement. See email chain involving the state attorney's office linked below.

Communication from State Attorney's office.

The Trust Agreement and Will.....see links below.

Trust Agreement - Joyce Martin Smith

Will of Joyce Martin Smith

First Codicil

Second Codicil

Ben Martin, PE
Florida Registration # 45310
760 613 9798